
The 6th Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism

會議日期:2025/10/30 (四)~11/2 (日)
Conference Date: 2025/10/30 (Thursday) ~11/2 (Sunday)

活動官網: https://ch45.chibs.edu.tw


亞洲佛教的歷史演進與思想文化在過去二十年有了不可輕忽的發展,近十年漢傳佛教跨領域的研究對現代社會的發展與教育也逐漸看到影響力。中華佛學研究所創辦人聖嚴法師曾指出:「我的願望是維繫漢傳佛教慧命,期竭盡棉力,從國外引進新的學術成果、研究風氣、教育制度及其教學方法等,以玆我國佛教也能趕上國際佛教的潮流。」在慶祝中華佛學研究所成立四十五週年之際,擴大舉辦第六屆中華國際佛學會議。 歡迎學界先進分享關於漢傳佛教研究關連的新文獻、新觀點、新方法,不論是哲學思想、文化歷史、語言文獻及經典注釋,都值得重新探究。學術深度的研析,是闡發漢傳佛教思想底蘊不可或缺的重要步驟,期待學界先進的參與,開啟「中華國際佛學會議」新的一頁。

About the Conference

In the past 20 years, significant developments have been observed in the evolution of Asian Buddhism and its associated thought and culture. Similarly, over the last decade, interdisciplinary research on Chinese Buddhism has started to exert influence on the development of modern society and its education system.

Master Sheng Yen, the founder of the Chung Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies (CHIBS), expressed his wish to contribute to the development of Chinese Buddhism with the following words, "My wish is to sustain the wisdom life of Chinese Buddhism. I am determined do all I can, no matter how little, to introduce new findings from abroad in academic studies, new approaches to research, new systems of education, and new methods in learning and teaching, etc. This is to ensure that Buddhism in our country can keep pace with the contemporary developments in international Buddhism." In this spirit, we celebrate the 45th anniversary of the founding of CHIBS by hosting the expanded 6th Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism.

We invite academicians to share their findings in Chinese Buddhist studies, covering topics such as new literature, new perspectives, new methodologies, spanning areas including philosophy and thoughts, culture and history, languages and philology, and exegesis of canonical texts.

In-depth academic studies are essential for comprehending and promoting Chinese Buddhism. We eagerly anticipate your participation in opening a new chapter for the Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism.


研討主題: 亞洲佛教文化與現代社會
Conference Theme: Asian Buddhist Culture and Modern Society


• 新出佛教文獻
• 禪的世界/世界的禪
• 亞洲佛教的思想、文化、歷史、實踐
• 大乘佛教思想與社會實踐
• 《金剛經》詮釋史
• 當代漢傳佛教教育之回顧與省思

Conference Sub-Themes:
• New Literature of Buddhism
• The World of Zen / Zen of the World
• Asian Buddhism Thought, Culture, History and Practice
• Mahayana Buddhist Thought and Social Practice
• The History of Interpretation of the Diamond Sutra
• Review and Reflection on Contemporary Chinese Buddhist Education


1.    投稿截止日期:2025年2月7日。
2.    審查公布:2025年3月31日前公布於財團法人中華佛學研究所官網。
3.    論文全文截止日:2025年9月30日 (逾期以棄權論)。

1.    Deadline for submission: February 7, 2025.
2.    Selection outcome will be announced on the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies website on March 31, 2025.
3.    Submission of completed papers: September 30, 2025. Submission after the due date will not be considered and will be taken as a withdrawal.

Email: mst@chibs.edu.tw

Chung-Hua Institute of Buddhist Studies
Center for the Study of Chinese Chan, DILA
Email: mst@chibs.edu.tw


17 Oct 2024