Even though the CHIBS diplomas are not recognized by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, the Institute abided by all regulations for category A graduate school standards set by the Ministry of Education from qualifications for applicants, faculty, and facility to the number of students enrolled. The graduation requirements are 36 credits, two different foreign languages, and one thesis.
There are altogether 119 theses, including those from Buddhist Informatics Program. The topics of the theses range from Buddhist history, biographies of the Masters, thoughts of the great Masters, doctrinal research, Buddhist philology, and Buddhist philosophy, to Buddhist literature. In addition, there are interdisciplinary theses discussing Buddhism and ethics, education, management, and informatics.
序號 | 姓名 | 口試日期 | 指導教授 | 論文題目 |
1 | 釋果祥 | 75.3.20 | 釋聖嚴 | 紫柏大師研究——以生平為中心 |
2 | 釋會清 | 75.3.3 | 釋聖嚴 | 法藏大師的教學——華嚴乘教義分齊章之探究 |
3 | 楊惠珊 | 77.2.3 | 釋恆清 | 《寶性論》中佛性思想之研究 |
4 | 釋見正 | 77.9.2 | 釋聖嚴 | 印光大師的生平與思想 |
5 | 周玉真 | 78.2.16 | 楊郁文 | 七佛通誡偈思想研究 |
6 | 陳玉文 | 78.10.2 | 釋慧嶽 | 四明知禮《釋難扶宗記》之研究 |
7 | 釋果賾 | 79.3.30 | 陳玉蛟 | 《二萬五千頌般若波羅密多》「發心品」藏文譯註及漢譯四本對照 |
8 | 釋果燈 | 80.4.1 | 曹仕邦 | 唐.道宣《續高僧傳》批判思想初探 |
9 | 曾德明 | 80.6.8 | 陳玉蛟 | 藏譯本《學處集要》「布施品」譯註 |
10 | 釋禪松 | 80.6.8 | 陳玉蛟 | 藏譯本《二萬五千頌般若波羅密多經合論》初品「教授」中前三子目譯註 |
11 | 李美煌 | 81.1.13 | 高明道 | 六度集研究 |
12 | 釋彥暉 | 81.3.23 | 釋聖嚴 | 梁靈味寺寶亮法師佛性思想之研究 |
13 | 釋清德 | 81.3.25 | 釋聖嚴 | 印順法師戒律與教制觀之研究 |
14 | 釋一耘 | 81.9.4 | 釋聖嚴 | 太虛大師前期佛教改革運動之研究(1908-1927) |
15 | 洪金蓮 | 82.3.17 | 釋聖嚴 | 太虛大師佛教現代化之研究 |
16 | 賴姿容 | 82.3.19 | 釋聖嚴 | 《菩薩戒義疏》之研究 |
17 | 陳佳彌 | 82.7.4 | Lee, Chih-fu | 《大方廣十輪經》十輪思想之研究——以十佛輪的教育觀為主 |
18 | 釋祥智 | 82.7.22 | Yang, Yuwen | 〈吉祥悅意〉《梵網經》的「六十二見」譯註 |
19 | 林純瑜 | 82.9.4 | Friedrich F. Grohmann | 《龍藏.維摩詰所說經》考 |
20 | 釋禪叡 | 83.3.5 | Friedrich F. Grohmann | 秦譯《維摩經.佛國品》斠訂探微 |
21 | 釋繼雄 | 83.3.31 | Yang, Yuwen | 初期佛教家庭倫理觀 |
22 | 釋果行 | 83.5.4 | 曹仕邦 | 《《四分律刪繁補闕行事鈔》之研究——以眾法為中心 |
23 | 李麗幼 | 83.6.4 | 林崇安 | 《修習次第》後篇譯註 |
24 | 釋齎因 | 83.7.20 | 釋惠敏 | 梵語教材與教學之基礎研究 |
25 | 釋果徹 | 83.7.20 | 釋惠敏 | 梵本《淨明句論.第二十六品觀十二支分》譯註 |
26 | 釋證融 | 83.8.10 | 釋惠敏 | 梵本《淨明句論.第十五品觀自性》譯註 |
27 | 朱秀容 | 83.8.25 | Chen, Ying-shan | 孤山智圓之研究 |
28 | 羅少萍 | 83.8.26 | Chen, Ying-shan | 智顗《維摩詰經》解釋之研究 |
29 | 釋慧命 | 83.9.2 | Yang, Yuwen | 《阿含經》之「六隨念」初探 |
30 | 釋開弘 | 84.6.1 | Yang, Yuwen | 五蓋之研究——以「四阿含經」、「五尼柯耶」為主 |
31 | 釋純因 | 84.6.19 | 穆克紀 | 漢譯《中阿含經》譬喻之基礎研究 |
32 | 釋祥代 | 84.7.11 | Yang, Yuwen | 巴利語《梵網經》「小戒」及其註疏之譯註 |
33 | 釋體韜 | 84.7.13 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 六度四攝與《瑜珈論.戒品》之關係 |
34 | 莊國彬 | 84.7.13 | 釋明性 | 《中觀密意莊嚴》譯註 |
35 | 釋自拙 | 84.8.29 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 梵本《淨明句論.第三品觀眼根等》初探 |
36 | 釋自範 | 84.8.29 | 萬金川 | 《阿毗達磨俱舍論明瞭義釋.序分》之研究 |
37 | 蔡薰宜 | 85.02.13 | 熊 琬 | 唯識學無表初探——以《大乘法苑義林章》為主 |
38 | 郭翠蘭 | 85.05.11 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 《攝大乘論「種子起因說」之探究 |
39 | 釋繼欣 | 85.06.15 | 林崇安 | 藏本《瑜珈師地論.攝事分》「念處相應」首頌初探 |
40 | 高正哲 | 85.08.13 | Yang, Yuwen | 《中阿含經》之業觀念初探——以〈業相應品〉為中心 |
41 | 宗玉媺 | 85.08.13 | Friedrich F. Grohmann | 《金光明經.空品》的探究 |
42 | 釋見愷 | 85.08.20 | 萬金川 | 《菩薩瑜伽行四百論注.第七品斷貪愛的方法》初探 |
43 | 廖本聖 | 85.09.03 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 古典西藏語文法教材的基礎研究 |
44 | 釋果樸 | 85.09.05 | Friedrich F. Grohmann | 敦煌寫本「P3006」——「支謙」本《維摩詰經》注解考 |
45 | 何俊泰 | 85.09.06 | Yang, Yuwen | 見微知著——巴利文《小誦》譯注 |
46 | 關則富 | 85.09.26 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 梵本《大乘莊嚴經論.教授教誡品》譯注 |
47 | 釋天襄 | 85.12.26 | Lin, Chung-an | 《雜阿含經.受相應》初探 |
48 | 釋繼坤 | 86.05.14 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 支讖譯經「法師」考 |
49 | 釋道興 | 86.07.22 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 從佛教瞻病送終法談臨終關懷 |
50 | 釋大睿 | 86.08.06 | Chen, Ying-shan | 天台懺法之研究 |
51 | 釋見一 | 86.08.30 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 漢月法藏之禪法研究 |
52 | 張雲凱 | 86.09.04 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 巴利語文法教材之比較研究 |
53 | 黃國清 | 86.09.05 | Chen, Ying-shan | 宗密大師三教會通思想研究 |
54 | 越建東 | 86.09.06 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 《美難陀》第XV章〈諸尋思之捨斷〉初探 |
55 | 釋心宏 | 87.06.30 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 《般舟三昧經》的研究 |
56 | 釋德範 | 87.06.30 | Friedrich F. Grohmann | 《八千頌》定位考——以「佛力加持」為範圍 |
57 | 梅靜軒 | 87.08.31 | 曹仕邦 | 民國前期的漢藏佛教交涉(1912-1949) |
58 | 釋善音 | 87.09.11 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 梵本《大乘莊嚴經論.修行品》初探 |
59 | 郭麗娟 | 87.11.11 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 《彌陀疏鈔》與《彌陀要解》之比較研究 |
60 | 釋能融 | 88.04.20 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 律制、清規及現代意義之探究 |
61 | Chen Shao Yun | 88.07.29 | Bhikkhu Huimin | A Preliminary Study on the Cases of Bereavement Counseling in Agama 【全文】 |
62 | Chang Chiung-Fu | 88.08.12 | Christian Wittern | 高效能的佛典研究資料管理模式——試論超文件標記語言(HTML)及HTML Help在佛典研究資料庫上之應用 【全文】 |
63 | 釋天真 | 88.08.21 | 高明道 | 從《雜阿含》1013、1022、574三經經群看善終輔導 (spiritual and pastoral counseling) |
64 | 謝美霜 | 89.07.24 | Yang, Yuwen、穆克紀 | 巴利《分別論.諦分別》譯注 |
65 | 釋聖空 | 89.08.18 | 釋慧嚴 | 清世宗與佛教【全文】 |
66 | 黃怡琪 | 89.09.03 | Chen, Ying-shan | 求生西方淨土之現世倫理意義——以儒家倫理思想為中心 |
67 | Chen Man-ching | 90.02.16 | Lee, Chih-fu | A Preliminary Study on the Insanity and its Treatment in the Sphere of Northern-Transmission Chinese Translations of Buddhist Scriptures |
68 | Shih Sien-Tzu | 90.07.30 | Sian, Chin-Sung 藏譯 獅子賢著 |
The Chinese translation and explanation for “The Aids to Penetration of the part one for the Knowledge of All Modes of The Large Sutra On Perfect Wisdom with the divisions of the Abhisamayākaṇkāra translated into the Tibrtan” |
69 | 釋立融 | 90.08.30 | Chen, Ying-shan | 蕅益智旭占察懺法之研究 |
70 | Shi Dah-Chang | 90.08.30 | Chen Ying-Shan | A Study of Master Chih-che’s Classification and Exposition of the “Tripiṭaka Teaching”(Tsang-chiao) |
71 | Chou Jou Han | 90.12.13 | Yang, Yuwen | Investigation on Nirvedha-bhāgīya |
72 | 釋諦融 | 91.07.10 | 陳英善 | 智顗修道教育之研究——以四教為主 |
73 | Shi Zhang Hui | 91.07.18 | Friedrich F. Grohmann | A Study of the Śrīgupta Sutra |
74 | Shi Chang Hui | 91.08.12 | Bhikkhu Huimin | The Buddhist Educational Ideal and Practice of Venerable Sheng-yen-as Illustrated in Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
75 | Shi Ji Xian | 91.08.26 | Bhikkhu Huimin | A Study of “Kathina”──Its Meanings and Privileges |
76 | Tancharoon Paiphum | 91.08.30 | Cheng Chen-Hung | A Research on the Development of Buddhist Organization: Dhammakaya Foundation Thailand as an Example |
77 | Lai Jen-yu | 91.10.19 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 菩薩戒戒體與唯識種子思想之關係 |
78 | Shi Yen-hui | 92.07.25 | Yi-hsun Huang | A Study on the Samādhi Through Neither Walking Nor Sitting in the T’ien-t’ai master Chih-i’s Mo-ho chih-kuan |
79 | Chen Chin-Jung | 92.08.27 | Friedrich F. Grohmann | Between ‘Door’ and ‘Number’: A Study on Editorial Style of Ratnamegha Sutra about Cultivating Meanning |
80 | Shi Zhen-fa | 92.10.09 | Chen, Ying-shan | A Study of Buddhism Thinking of Master Chih-I from the Viewpoint of Paṭicca-samuppāda |
81 | Shi Shu Yu | 93.02.02 | Tu Yu-chan | The Study of Nien-fo in Tao-ch’o’s An-lo-chi |
82 | Shih Tzu-Kung | 93.06.28 | Chern Meei-Hwa | The Educational Function and Practice of Buddha-recitation for the Dying and the Dead: A Case Study of the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddha-recitation Group |
83 | Shih Te-ting | 93.07.31 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 調伏天《正理滴論廣釋.現量品》之研究 |
84 | Liu renee | 93.08.18 | 曹仕邦 | 魏晉南北朝僧俗間的互動關係初 |
85 | 釋大拙 | 93.10.11 | Chen, Ying-shan | 慈雲遵式對天台教觀與淨土法門之融攝 |
86 | Shi Ji Wen | 94.05.19 | Friedrich F. Grohmann | A Study of Dharmarakṣa’s translation of the Brahmaparipṛccha |
87 | 釋照智 | 94.06.20 | Chen, Ying-shan | 圓頓止觀之具體實踐——以重構的「法華三昧」行法為主 |
88 | 釋心平 | 95.05.19 | 楊郁文 | 「新受戒比丘」修學方案之研究——以泰國法身寺之運用為例 |
89 | 廖翎而 | 95.06.19 | Chen, Ying-shan、熊 琬 | 《憨山老人夢遊集》之夢幻觀 |
90 | Fang I-jung | 95.06.30 | Wan, Jin-chun | A Study on Chapter XXIII Viparyāsa-Parīkṣā of Prasannapadā |
91 | Shi Jian-Rong | 95.07.06 | Friedrich F. Grohmann |
The Concept of “Laziness” as reflected in Chienese Huayan Translations |
92 | Shi Zhen Pu | 95.07.11 | Friedrich F. Grohmann | A Study of the Translations of the Discoursse on the Eight Qualities of the Ocean |
93 | Wong View-kee | 95.07.20 | Yang, Yuwen | A Study of the Pāli Version and Chinese Version of the Ānāpānasati-saṃyutta |
94 | 黃纓淇 | 96.04.25 | Bhikkhu Huimin、Yu-wen Yang | 初期佛教「樂受」之研究 |
95 | Huang Kan-ju | 96.06.15 | Shi Jien-hong、Tsai Duu-jian | Yang Yu-wen—His Understanding and Practice of Buddha Dhamma |
96 | Lin Su-an | 96.06.20 | Willian Magee、Ben-sheng Liao | Dzong-ka-ba’s view on ‘Other Productian’: A Comparative Study on the Topic of Refuting Other Producation in Candrakīrti’s “Auto Commentary to the Supplement to the ‘Treatise on the Middle Way’” and Dzong-ka-ba’s “Illumination of the Thought” |
97 | Chien I-Ling | 96.06.22 | Willian Magee、Ben-sheng Liao | The Actual Object To Be Negated in Drong-ka-ba's Gnet Exposition of the Stages of the Path and the Four Interwoven Ammotations and Some Reflections on the Application of Gadamtr's Hermeneutics (《廣論.四家註》的「真正所破」及高達美詮釋學之應用) |
98 | Shi Xian Jue | 96.07.10 | Shi Jian Hong | A Study Centered on Kārikās 7-11 in Chapter 24 Aryasatya-Parīkṣa of Prasannapadā |
99 | 闕慧貞 | 96.07.31 | 陳美華、廖本聖 | 《地道建立:智者頸飾》之譯注與研究 |
100 | 林宜靜 | 96.09.03 | 釋見弘、廖本聖 | 無垢友空性思想之特徵——以《聖般若波羅蜜多心要廣釋》「色即是空,空即是色,空不異色,色不異空」解釋為中心 |
101 | 黃健原 | 96.09.07 | 陳英善、謝穎慧 | 校園禪修教育之研究——以法鼓山北海岸校園禪修推廣的現況為例 |
102 | Shi Jien-Hsiang | 96.12.21 | Friedrich F. Grohmann | A Study on the Bodhisattva’s Expressions of Degeneretion Discussed Mainly According to yhe Kāśyapaparivarta |
103 | Chen Shu-Chu | 96.12.26 | Willian Magee、Ben-sheng Liao | Appearing, Apprehending, and Direct Realization: The Four Objects According ti Gelukba ‘Door of Entry to the Seven Treatises’, ‘Presentation of Awareness and Knowledge’ and ‘Tenets’ Texts |
104 | Shi Jien-Ning | 97.05.27 | Friedrich F. Grohmann | A Study on the Spirituality as Reflected in the Kuan wu-Liang-shou Ching |
105 | Shi, Dow-Tuo | 97.07.17 | Chen, Ying-shan | The Life and Pure Land Thought of Master Chewu |
106 | 釋法洲 | 97.07.22 | 釋惠敏 | 從佛教戒律的物質文化窺探其解脫文化——以《巴利律.比丘尼戒》「捨懺第20條」為主 |
107 | 釋圓信 | 97.07.24 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 清辨與經量部之認識論比較研究 |
108 | Lee, Gui-lan | 97.07.30 | Chen, Ying-shan | Research on HUI-YUAN’s Method of Ranking Ideology.—Based on the work: XU HUA-YEN JING LUE SHU KAN DING JI(《續華嚴經略疏刊定記》) (Sequel to the summarised annotation of Hua-Yen Sutra) |
109 | Zhou Ai-lun | 97.07.30 | Chen, Ying-shan | A Study on the Practice of Chinese Integration Buddhism from Silent Illumination in the Twelfth Century—according to Hung-chih Cheng-chueh and Chen-hsieh Ch’ing-liao |
110 | Chen Pei-hui | 97.07.30 | Chen, Ying-shan | A Study on Yung-Ming Yeng-Shou’s Contemplation of Principle-Phenomenal Integration and the Practice on the Bodhisattva Path |
111 | 楊喻翔 | 97.07.30 | 釋惠敏、蔡瑞煌 | 以賽局理論及其模擬實驗詮釋布施波羅蜜之利他效應 |
112 | Wang Jui-Hsiang | 97.08.04 | Yang, Yuwen、Yit kin tung | The relationship between the development of kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity and liberation in early Buddhism |
113 | Yue dong Mok | 97.10.22 | Ven. Guo Jing | A Study Of Yong Jue Xian Lifestyle Pureland and Karunā Thoughts |
114 | 釋宏育 | 98.01.19 | Chen, Ying-shan | 湛然《法華五百問論》思想之研究 |
115 | Chen Tan-chun | 98.09.07 | Yu-wen Yang | A Paradigm Study of the Fisrt Order Lay Disciples in the Early Buddhism |
116 | Shi Fazhao | 99.08.04 | Bhikkhu Huimin | The Reason of Selecting the Cannonical Verses in the Śar īraarthagaathaa of Yogācārabhūmi |
117 | Shi Jue-tao | 100.08.16 | Kuopin Chuang | A Study on Feeling (Vedanā) and Its Relationship with Other Factors in the Congnitive Process in Early Buddhism (初期佛教認知過程中,感受及其與其他要素間之關係之研究) |
118 | 釋法源 | 97.10.06 | Bhikkhu Huimin | 漢傳佛教高僧傳之時空資訊系統建置研究 |
119 | Chen Tan-chun | 98.05.25 | Marcus Bingenheimer | Buddha’s disciples Research” System Design and Implementation |